The boys finished school about two weeks ago. The public schools up here still have about two weeks to go. Anyway, the boys started their Summer Bridge Workbooks this week. It's a workbook to get Cameron ready for 4th grade and Caleb ready for 6th grade. Most of it is review, but some of it they'll actually have to learn. If they sit down and actually do it...it will only take them 15 minutes a day and that's NOT everyday. There are 15 activities for June, 20 activities for July and 15 activities for August.
Caleb is fine with this workbook....Cameron, not so much.
After each set of activities they will get a special prize....at the beginning of each month there is a contract that both the child and parent sign and you write down what the reward will be for each month. The month is the Crayola 3D Activity Set.
So this morning since they've both done well this week, I thought I would let the boys make something special for breakfast and they both like to help me in the kitchen. So today we would make "Monkey Bread". But I couldn't call it that. Unfortunately, my boys are very picky and just the name of something would turn them away.
Caleb HATES bread.
And thanks to Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom....Cameron hates monkeys. (Remember the monkey brains for dessert?)
So I set up everything and put them work and I told them they could name this dish.
They did a great job cutting and dipping the biscuits...they were working together!! ~Whoo-hoo!!!
Caleb named it a Cinna-Loaf and Cameron named it Cinna-Buddies. So they asked me what I would name it. I said, 'What if we called it Monkey Bread....because it's the shape of bread and we pull it apart and eat it with our hands like monkeys."
They both thought that was a dorky name.......
Recipe for Monkey Bread or Cinna-Loaf or Cinna-Buddies:
1 can of the cheap biscuits ( The smallest ones work best)
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup of white sugar
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of Cinnamon
Spray a loaf pan with non-stick spray and sprinkle the brown sugar on the bottom of the pan.
Mix the white sugar and cinnamon together in a bowl.
Cut each biscuit into four pieces. Dip each piece in the melted butter and then in the cinnamon sugar. Place the pieces in the loaf pan on top the brown sugar.
You will have to stack the pieces, that's fine. Continue to dip until you used all the small pieces of biscuits.
Bake in a pre-heated 400 degree oven for 15-17 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes and then turn over on a large plate. The brown sugar that was placed in the bottom is now the glaze for the top!
~Enjoy! (The boys just about finished the whole thing by themselves!)
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