Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Still Learning to Crave

So I haven't been the greatest on the "blogging front" here... But I have blogged a few times over at - So you should check that out!

Tonight ends a 12 week series that I've been leading at Four Hills Church - Made to Crave: A Healthy Lifestyle Series.  It's a bible study written by Lysa TerKeurst.  I'm a little sad that's it's over, but I'm motivated to use the things that I've have learned to continue my journey of living a healthier lifestyle... With God's help.

I've learned how to satisfy my deepest desire with God, not food.  I've learned (or was reminded) to go to God whenever I feel stressed or sad, instead of ice cream or that candy bar.  I have found comfort in Him...and that's a feeling you just can't get from a cheeseburger.     

This is from Lysa's website:  "This book is not a how-to manual or the latest, greatest dieting plan. Made to Crave is a helpful companion to use alongside whatever healthy eating approach you choose — a book and Bible study to help you find the “want to” in how to make healthy lifestyle changes."

I'm excited to say that I've found my "want to" and my "how to" during this study.  I've learned more about God's love for me and true peace with myself.  I can't tell you enough how this study has changed my life.  I sounds odd.  But the author really brought God's truths to life.  Scripture that has always been there, was reintroduced to me in a way that I'd never thought about.

I never realized or even thought to go to God with my struggle to become healthy.  I really didn't think it was a big deal or that He even cared whether I was or wasn't at my goal weight.  But now I know - if it's important to me, then it's important to Him.  He wants me to crave Him and not other things that I'd always thought brought me comfort.

I know I have a long way to go.  I don't think you ever stop growing in your faith, but I have found a peace that I've never felt before.  I have loved digging deeper into His word and making Him a priority over my struggle with becoming a healthier person.  It's sorta been a "peace makeover"!

Thought for the Day: God made us capable of craving so we’d have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only One capable of satisfying them. 
 -Lysa TerKeurst

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