Friday, August 22, 2014

Can You Help Me?

Well... I haven't been here in a while.  Welcome back! 

Last night, the Lord had me up really late.  This morning, He woke me up really early.  I know this is God, because I'm not tired or cranky.  I'm excited and encouraged!

Let me explain:  I attended a Leadership Conference earlier this week.  It messed me up in the best kind of way.  This entire week, I've been thinking about how I can encourage and value people.  I even asked the Lord to put people in my path that needed encouragement.

We all know that negative, unkind people are the loudest.  Even when encouragement comes our way, all we can think about were the mean words said to us.  

I think we can also agree that when we fire back and say something unkind, we may feel that satisfaction... But it only lasts for a moment.  The guilt and sadness lasts much longer. 

Proverbs 15:4 says - 
"A gentle tongue is a tree of life, a sinful tongue crushes the spirit."  (NLV)

Another version says - 
"Kind words heal and help, cutting words wound and maim."  
(The Message)

I've been in both places.  I've been the receiving end of some very hurtful words.  Even worse, I've been the person using the cutting words.  Neither one feel good.

Let me tell you what does... 


Giving encouragement... Receiving encouragement.  It's all feels good great!

So can I ask you to help me?  Can you take one day and commit to giving encouragement?  Seek people out... Flood their email, their voice mail, their texts. Ask God to put people in your path.  Ask Him to bring people to your mind.  And just be kind...

I know once you do, you'll want to try it for more than one day!

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