Saturday, February 1, 2014

It's a Good Day for a Birthday

I'm on my way to a birthday party. I'm literally in the car and Matt's driving. This will actually be my second one today... The first one was for a 3 year old. The next one is for 30 year old. ;-)

I'm thankful for being busy. It means that God has put so many people in my life!! I love people... I love talking with them... I love hearing their stories... I love being part of their lives.

As I think about the many people I saw today, I thought that it would give me a wonderful opportunity to pray for them. So if I saw you today, you're covered... ;-)

My heart is full... And so is my schedule. I'm thankful that God has placed me where He has. He is so good to me...

I thank God for you whenever I think of you.  -Philippians 1:3

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