Friday, January 18, 2008

Fridays are here again....

Wow, it's been a week and the boys have finally finished the second quarter. Which means they are half-way finished. I've heard of homeschooling families having the mid-year blues, but today I'm sort of excited just to be finished.

But I do know what they mean....I'd call it the mid-winter blues. It's too cold to do anything. You are stuck inside the house. And you start to wonder if you'll be able to get everything finished in time, or at least everything you wanted to get finished. I've always thought that I work better under pressure. With most things I believe that to be true, not so in homeschooling. I guess because I've got others to consider.

So I try to not let the boys know when I'm stressed or overworked, they feel it too. I'm sure my feeling that we should be "ahead" or maybe we're "behind" can really worry them.

But that's the great thing about homeschool....we are neither to far ahead nor way behind! Working at our own pace means just that. Although, I do try to keep the boys on the same page. I'd hate for one to start summer vacation while one was still working.

Here are my tips for beating the "mid-winter blues" :

1. Go play in the snow! If you have no snow, please have some of ours. :o)

2. Take a field trip! Just get out of the house. Remember you can make almost any trip educational.

3. Take more breaks! Do math and then play a game, read a book and then let the kids help make cookies. Just change your pace!

More than anything, don't throw in the towel and don't beat yourself up about what you didn't get accomplished today. There's always tomorrow, or the next day.....or the next day!

I made this Sunday night after church and man did it hit the spot! So here's my recipe for today:

Shrimp and Pesto w/ Whole Grain Pasta

1 pound of cleaned (raw) shrimp (I like to leave the tails on, but that's just me)
1/2 pound of whole grain pasta
1/4 cup of pesto

Place pasta in boiling water. (Salt the water before putting in pasta.)
Saute shrimp in olive oil in a large pan until just pink and add pesto and mix together well.
Add cooked pasta right to the pan with shrimp and toss. If it looks a little dry add some of the hot pasta water.

Recipe for Pesto:

1/2 cup lightly packed fresh basil leaves
1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted (Pine nuts are pretty pricey, so I've used pistachio nuts instead)
1 garlic clove
2 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1/4 cup of olive oil

Place first five ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend. Slowly stream in your olive oil until it makes a paste.

And you know what?? Classico brand makes a delicious pesto, so you can always just buy it!

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