Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This is what I've learned......

I have learned that as soon as the temperature reaches 50 and tree outside my window starts to bud, I no longer want to stay inside. That means I am no longer here blogging.

We are on week 30 of school and we have 6 more weeks to go. I know some homeschoolers that take longer breaks during the year and work right through the summer......NOT US! We started a little earlier than public schools here, and the only real break the the boys had was a week during Christmas when we went back to Kentucky for a visit. I'm not giving them a spring break either. The don't mind though.......they're getting out almost 4 weeks before the public school.

We're leaving for Canada at the end of May and we'll be finished by then......summer here we come!

This is the time of year when even I get tired of school. I looked at Cameron today during Social Studies and said, "You know, Mom's not really into this today." So we both took a break. He playing the Wii right now and I'm doing this. Of course if we want to stay on schedule, we'll need to get back to studying......but not right now. Our brains need a breather!! :o)

I just got a call that Caleb's guitar teacher will be here to give Caleb a make up lesson, so I need to pick up the house a little bit..........ok. He usually takes his lessons a the studio, but he had to make up a lesson so he's coming over here today.

Our Easter went well. We did our annual trip the shore (aka the beach) the day before. I can say annual now since we've taken that trip two years in a row! This year was MUCH nicer than last year and this year Easter was early!! The boys rode rides and we bought enough tickets for the entire summer! Then after church on Sunday we went over to Eric and Grace's for dinner. It is so nice to have someone cook for you once and while!! We had a great time just talking.

And as soon as Easter is over I feel like it should immediately turn to Spring and be 65 everyday with the sun shinning and birds singing.....but we all know that "April showers bring May flowers!" I was reminded of that by my 8 year old last week when we had three days of rain and clouds!!

I'm so proud of the boys and the work that they've done this year. Now don't get me wrong, I can say that now that we've caught up and aren't stuck inside all day. There were days that it was cold and snowy or rainy that I thought "I'm totally sending them back to school next year." But those are thoughts that I quickly get over. I'll never regret removing them from public school. I have grown so close to my boys and "oh the stories I can tell!" But more importantly I have grown up a little myself. I've gain so much confidence in myself and hopefully Caleb and Cameron can see that too. I hope it rubs off on them! :o) I've also grown closer to God in all of this too! You have to when you when you're a "stay at home/homeschooling mom that simultaneously watches a 5 month old while teaching, cooking, cleaning and living life"! :o) I enjoy everyday. Now that's not to say, at the end of one of those days I may very well collapse on the couch and not move.....but it keeps me busy! I'm not the perfect mom, but that's where God comes in and reminds me that everything will be alright.

Oh sure, there are pros and cons for everything you do in life. And this is no exception. I could sit here and make a list of "the good, the bad, and the ugly" and probably quickly talk myself into sending them back. But you know........I absolutely love it! We love it!

Now I know you have no idea how long this has taken me to write. I started this at 10:30 am while Caleb was finishing his work, Cameron was taking his "wii break" and Jaelynn was asleep. It's now 1:45 pm and although I have more to say......this is my life and I better get back to it! :o)

I have a super easy recipe that I will post the FIRST thing in the morning!!

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