I love my boys. I love that for the last four years, their education has taken place here at home. I love that they were excited when we said, "We're moving...and we're planting a church." I love that they are for the most part "polite gentlemen". I love that they can't go to sleep until we pray. I love that they still give their mom a kiss before bed. I love that they can make their own meals, but I also love how their eyes light up when I say I'm making their favorite!
You see, I had fairly ordinary childhood. (Same for Matt...) Our parents worked, we went to school, and Sundays were set aside for church. You pretty much knew and expected what was going to happen next. In other words...There were very few surprises.
Our boys are first generation PK's (Pastor's Kids)...and right now they are PK's that are planting. Back in June of last year, I only knew two things about planting a church. #1 - It was probably going to be the hardest thing I've ever done (so far)...and #2 - We only had one family waiting to help us. And I remember what Caleb said, "Well, we have 4 adults and 5 children. I'm in the Youth Group, Cameron is in the Children's Dept., and the triplets are in Nursery." He already had that all planned out, and he was confident.
Now that we have started our Preview Services and we are inching closer to our "Launch", Caleb asked a question, "What if this whole planting thing doesn't work out?" (Now it's my turn to be confident.)
Our boys haven't had the normal "childhood". Have you ever been standing in a hotel lobby waiting to check in, looking at the indoor swimming pool and just as they swipe your card you get a call that there has been a death in the church and you leave that very moment? Have you ever been told, "Well, you should know better...you're the Pastor's son?" Have you ever had your feelings hurt because someone said something mean about your parents and you can't understand why a Christian would act that way?"
Now, even the boys will agree that for every negative part of being a PK there's two or three positives...I just want Caleb and Cameron to know how much I love them and that I know what sacrifices they have made. (Even if they don't.)
This was a long, rough, busy, but very good weekend for the Monyhans. Caleb and Cameron gave up an entire Saturday to walk neighborhoods, help clean and set u
p the church, and pretty much whatever else we asked of them. Sunday was more of the same.

But something happened this weekend...Caleb got in trouble because his dad had asked him to do something and then I asked him immediately after that to do something else. (Not knowing that Matt had already given him a job.) So he did one, but got in trouble before he had a chance to get the other job done.
After apologizing to Caleb, I realized that we're not perfect parents and that sometimes we ask too much of our boys. I hope that one day they will look back and be proud of the hard work that it's taken to plant Four Hills Church. But until then, I think they are due a "Caleb and Cameron Appreciation Day"!
Sooooo proud of my kids. They are amazing! Caleb is growing up so fast and doing so much. Cameron is always there to offer comic relief. They are the best!re
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