Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Countdown Has Begun...

It's almost summer vacation... 16 more days!!  I can see the end of the 2011/2012 school year coming to a close.  (And this fall I will be teaching an 8th grader and a 10th grader!!  But why in the world am I even thinking about that??) 

I love my boys and I love to homeschool... But we can all use a break!! 

I attended the Midwest Homeschool Convention a couple of weekends ago... I took lots and lots of notes... I bought lots of books... and even purchased a new bible curriculum for Caleb.  I was encouraged, inspired, and challenged.  But I told myself that I was NOT going to get overwhelmed thinking about the next school year when this one had not yet ended.

And you know what?  I haven't.  I guess as I get older, I've come to learn that stressing about a situation doesn't change the outcome.  That's a hard lesson to learn.  And it's one that has taken time and lots of prayer.

So this fall we will begin our 7th year as a homeschool family.  I am so excited about what the next year will bring...but right at this moment...I'm a little more excited about summer! 

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