Thursday, January 3, 2008

A cold day!

School went a little better today. I can't say that I learned anything....well, I did meet a friend for lunch today. Taking a break right in the middle of the day makes me a better homeschool mom and all around mom, that's for sure!

This morning, it was 4 degrees! That's right, I won't even tell you what the wind chill was. So this is the time of year when we can get a lot of "school work" done. This is also the time of year when those board games the boys got for Christmas come in REAL handy!

I've got to say, since taking the homeschool plunge, my boys get along better than ever. (I pray they do everyday!) Granted, they never really fought, but I couldn't really say they were "friends" either.

These days I love to hear them play and laugh together. Now I don't live in the town called Perfect, so there are days when they need to take a break from each other. That's why I came up with the "Monthly Birthday Lunch". Each month on the day the boys were born, I take them out to lunch (by themselves) so that each get a special day out to eat at their favorite restaurant. Matt comes home for lunch that day and whoever is not with me get to spend time with dad. They love and look forward to to their special days. (So do I!)

Well, the timer's going off for dinner tonight. No recipe tonight....just roasted a pork tenderloin and some veggies.

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