Yesterday was an exciting day in the Monyhan house. As a homeschool mom, it was my pleasure to teach the electoral process. Of course I’d still teach my children this, regardless if they were in school, but this week, I’ve been able to really spend quality time on teaching the boys things that we believe are important.
We started the day with a blank Electoral Map of the United States. As the polls closed last night, they began to color in the map. (On this historic day, I let the boys stay up...) I taught how many votes each state has, and how many votes the candidate needed to win.
We also learned why we vote on Tuesday in November. Of course Matt didn’t know, so it was neat as the boys explained the history of why vote on this particular day. The boys are very excited to learn all about the history and the process.
Caleb and Cameron will remember the day that the first African-American was elected as President of the United States. I’m glad that my kids were part of this day and that I had the opportunity teach them. What an exciting day!!
Although, I am sorry and somewhat shocked about how some Christians are reacting. (Including my own family.) Regardless of who you wanted to win, the election is over...the people have spoken. I will pray for protection and wisdom, as I have for all Presidents!!
I’ve decided to give them one day to get their feelings out, without me sounding preachy to them. After tomorrow, please don’t call me or email me anything that isn’t encouraging to OUR new President.
I’m excited to see what God has in store for us!
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.
Romans 13:1-2 (NLT)
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