Friday, July 10, 2009


Caleb asked for donuts this morning...since starting to homeschool over three years ago, that is one of the things I enjoy most. I love being able to make breakfast for the boys. Having to wake up, get them dressed, make lunches, make sure they had their "stuff" and trying to make sure they had something on their stomach, was tough!

Being older now, they have more responsibilities about doing things on their own. But I always hated the feeling of sending them to school wondering if in an hour, would they be hungry??

I don't make them a huge breakfast every morning, and now that summer is here, they have had their share of cereal and pop tarts....but it's something that I love to do.

I have had many questions about whether we were going to continue to homeschool when we moved back to Kentucky this fall. And the answer is...yes! From the very beginning, I've always said that we would reevaluate things at the end of each year and take it one year at a time.

And besides, we love it! :)

Oh, here are the's so easy, it's embarrassing!

Chocolate Glazed Donuts

1 can of the cheapest, smallest biscuits you can find
1/4 cup of chocolate icing (I use cake icing)

Some times, I'll cut a hole in the middle, but this time I just left it the way it came out of the biscuit can. They are easier to fill this way, if you want...

I put about an inch of oil in a pan and heat it to about 350 degrees. And just fry and flip! I drain them and dip them in the icing. (I put the icing in the microwave for about 45 seconds and melt it to make a glaze.)

So easy...and delicious! :) And I can make 10 for literally 50 cents!


Lau Milesi said...

Yummy!!! Yummy!!!Great!!!
I love donuts!!
Thanks for the recipe!!
Lau Milesi

kmonyhan said...

Okay, you NEED to post a new blog. Everytime I check your site I get hungry!!! AHHHHH!!!