Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mom's taking a sick day.

Do we really get to "take" sick days? Well, I'm going to try my best. It's yucky outside, the public schools have been cancelled, and they've already cancelled church for tonight.

It seems like the perfect day for a sick day. So after this post, I will plant myself on the couch and stay there until.....well, until it's time to fix dinner or something.

The boys are already well on their way with school and they can fix their own lunch. I've always looked forward to the day when my boys were old enough to do some things on their own. And I'm cashing in on that today.
I'm taking a break.

A much needed one.

On a side note: I've cooked every night this week (that's not why I need a break) :o)
I took one meat (chicken) and made two different meals from it. And you know if I were not about to faint, that I would post them. I will....just not today.

Happy Wednesday! :o)

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